I appreciate the clarifications of your earlier comments. I did feel you were being a bit dismissive of, and over simplifying a severe problem among Jehovah's Witnesses. It is good to see you are balanced on the topic. I don't post much on this board, but I did so on this topic because I believe it to be an important one, especially for the young people reading these posts because I worry for them.
That said, I want to add some more food for thought for you regarding your belief that the vast majority of problems in marriages is due to being "hitched to the wrong person". Although that is probably a true point, this is still related to the sexual repression of the JW faith. It is a problem of their own making for their adherents due to the unreasonable expectations of dating and marriage. It is not a separate issue.
If you ban masturbation and teach premarital sex (even once) can cause your destruction, the only logical way out is to marry, and marry young.
If you limit your potential marriage mates to whomever is eligible in the Kingdom Halls in your small community, or to the gal or guy circling around and around at the assemblies, the only logical way out is to marry the person that is the least objectionable.
If you tell young people that not only do they have to be JWs, but "in good standing and showing exemplary spiritual convictions, like pioneering and ministerial work" etc., the only logical way out is to pick anyone who may qualify that isn't too hideous.
If you tell young people they have to be chaperoned during dating and cannot even discuss sex before marriage alone with their potential spouses because it can "lead to things", the only way out is to marry that person in sexual ignorance and hope you are sexually compatible.
If you teach (or even imply) that oral or anal sex is "wrong" for married couples, and that masturbation is wrong post marriage as well, the only logical way out is to refrain and be sexually repressed and have your marriage suffer.
...or you can do as you have suggested many do and ignore all of these things, only to be terrified you will be discovered and have it all come crashing down on you, all the while suffering from crippling guilt...
Neither choice is all that good if you are a JW. From what I have learned of other Christian churches since leaving the Watch Tower, it is fairly unique among Jehovah's Witnesses... at least to the extremes suffered by those in that faith. Other Christian churches simply just do not inflict these things as severely upon their members as the good old WTS does.